About Me …

I am a journalist by trade.  A storyteller.  I love to write.  To talk with people.  Find meaning in who they are, what they’ve done or had happen to them, boil it down into short stories that have impact.  And share what I’ve learned.  Yet, until recently, my own story was the one I had the toughest time sitting down to write about.  I’d sit down to journal sporadically.  A year later I’d pick it up again and apologize to myself for being a slacker and recommit to keeping a journal only to disappoint myself again.

I’m not apologizing anymore.  And on many levels, I’m still slacking on this.  But after losing my mother at a very young age and all of the wonderful stories we had yet to share, I have come to realize any stories, thoughts or moments I can write and preserve, may someday mean something to my daughter if no one else.

I started this blog in January of 2012 as a personal project to simply write.  Journal.  Keep record of, if nothing else, a year I knew would bring quite a bit of change to my life.  I just wasn’t sure how much change or which direction any of it might have me traveling on this journey called life.  I only knew for so many reasons, I was ready for the ride.

For Blog 'About Me'

11 thoughts on “About Me …

  1. Thank you so much Carleen, I am your Facebook Friend, although I only met you in person one time many years ago, I think you are a wonderful person. I believe your Mother was a Great Mother and taught her daughter a great many things. You met my wife the other day at Sauk County and she thought you were very nice. Anyway good luck with all your hopes and dreams!!!!!!

  2. Thanks for the recent visit to (and follow of) my blog. It had the happy consequence of bringing me here and I’ve enjoyed dipping into the archives a bit and reading your journal entries.

    You have, in my opinion, a notably nuanced flair for expression via the written word…but you undoubtedly already know that. I look forward to experiencing more.

    • Thank you so much for the nice note and likewise, your photos are beautiful and the information, incredibly insightful as I continue to learn about photography, how to best use my camera, light and capture wonderful moments in time. Thanks for all of the great information and appreciate you stopping in, sincerely! Stay in touch.

  3. Wonderful posts on your blog. I enjoy them all! I’m going to try ezall, i ordered a couple quarts and now that I have them wondered how much you used in a washer load? If 2 oz does a horse, a cup should take care of my problem…. 🙂

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